Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Expelled- Have you Seen It??

If you have had a chance to see this movie, I'd love to hear your reaction to it. Also what was your reaction to the style of the film?

Bill & I went to see it the first night it was shown at Copper Creek Theatres. The theatre where they showed it was packed. I thought the humor used by Stein was more subtle than I had anticipated. Even the style - with the close close-ups of the people being interviewed seemed to be a satire on documentaries. I loved the old black-and-white clips that were used. But I was definately not expecting the parallels he drew from history - with the Jews during the holocaust and the wall coming down in Germany. Very impactful. Oh, I almost forgot to report this- at the end of the movie - the audience at Copper Creek applauded!

Please post your comments.

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