Thursday, May 3, 2007

We recently took a train trip to Chicago. The Eisenlauer's and the Cunningham's plus two more teens...that makes a total of SIX teens. One night Bill and I took the four male teens to see the Blue Man Group. They perform year-round in Chicago. If you ever get a chance to see them, they are great, innovative, entertaining and funny! Another night we went to see the Chicago Bulls play at the United Center. Kathy and Jeff surprised us all with a limo ride back to the hotel. As you can was a treat none of us had enjoyed before. And it sure beat the taking the subway! The other picture was of a metal moose sculpture we discovered while trying to find our way back to the motel. No, we were not lost. We stayed in a hotel two blocks off Michigan Ave, and we did some serious shopping (shopping, not buying). It was a fun trip..and we'd love to repeat it during the Cubs season!

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