Do you have a blog you read everyday? I'd love to check out your favorites.
I love statistics and found a fun blog, Demo Memo, that has numbers about a variety of everyday things.
- 21% of school age children speak a language other than English at home.
- 65.1% of the U.S. population are renters.
- 80% of 18-24 yr. olds are on Facebook.
- 42% of college graduates get their news from the internet.
- Asian women birth 1.96 children in their lifetime.
- 34% of Americans believe the Bible is the actual word of God.
I'm one of the 34% in my age range that are on Facebook, so I usually check in there daily. is a fun place to check for current deals and coupons.
Would love to take a look at your daily stops on the internet.For Real Estate info, the best resource is still the Eisenlauer Team.
Bill 770-2455 Bob 979-2883