Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another Opportunity - Where is Billy Bruce??

Nobody recognized the Hispanic Celebration at Visitation Catholic Church - E 9th & University in Des Moines! Actually they have changed the name of the church it's now Our Lady of The Americas Parish. And the dancers were dressed as Mayan Indians (I think), not Native Americans. (several people guessed Tama).

Our road trip this week took us to this small store in Iowa. The store is called Katy-Dids. We met Katy - she's in the picture with Bill. The store carries groceries, liquor and hardware items! Her t-shirt said "If we don't have it, you don't need it!" We asked about the store name. We were told by Kathy, a.k.a. Katy, that she had worked at this store for 20 years when the owners decided to retire. Instead of allowing the only store in town to close, Katy decided to buy it! Katy had brothers growing up, when anything went wrong - they always reported "Katy Did It!" So finally she said - Katy Did It! and the store has been hers for the last 10 years.
Does anyone know what town is the home of Katy Dids? First right answer gets the reward!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where in Iowa is Billy Bruce?

I know this is a bit delayed, these are from a destination last Sunday in Iowa. For Father's Day Bill requested for his family to attend this festivity with him. We enjoyed great ethnic food and great entertainment. The pictures are of one group that performed at this location on Sunday. Those are long feathers on the headdresses of the dancers. Anybody know where it is?? First right answer will be rewarded!

Beautiful (?) view of the flood waters...

Our sixteen-yr.-old took this picture of the flood waters downtown DesMoines (on his cell phone!). Its the arch at the Simon Estes ampi-theatre by Embassy Suites. I know it seems to be an oxymoron to have a beautiful view of flood waters, but it does show the impact of these powerful waters that have moved south through our state and our country.

Friday, June 6, 2008

New Team Outing!

Instead of going out for lunch for my birthday, I suggested the team could go as a group for a pedicure. We were all excited about going (except for Bob - he's a bit self-conscious about his ugly feet). Wouldn't you know it, we were all 5 lined up in the spa chairs, and a fellow Realtor shows up! She was speechless as her eyes traveled down the line...to Bill...then Bob... She was more than willing to snap these pictures of us. Thanks Heather! ( who in the world would take a laptop and try to do business while getting a relaxing pedicure?)
And who would be more fun to work with if you're looking to buy or sell Real Estate anywhere in the Des Moines area...than Realtors who keep their feet groomed. Give us a call. Bob @ 979-2883 or Bill @ 770-2455.

Kristy - with the right answer - email me!

Kristy had the right answer for the wagon wheel sculpture. But I don't know how to contact you! If you could email me at myrna@eisenlauerteam.com, I can get your prize to you!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wagon Wheel Art in rural Sully Iowa

Last Saturday we spent a beautiful spring day in Sully Iowa watching high school baseball. Between games we had a little time to see one of Iowa's Curiosities! Did you know there is a sorghum mill in Sully Iowa that produces more sorghum than anywhere else in the U.S.? And this same man was quite an inventor. He invented a trenching machine that was produced in Pella by Vermeer. The trenching machine aided both men's checking accounts. This same man at the age of 90 decided to make a scultpure out of metal wagon wheels. That's what the picture below is. Quite amazing. It's hard to see the enormity of this scupture without seeing someone next to it for for reference. See how little Bill is standing at the base. Iowa is full of amazing people! (The Grandview boys won the tourney)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Where in the State is Bill?

Since our Staycation post, we've visited some small Iowa towns. I decided to start taking my camera and see if anyone can identify the town we are in. Here's our first Where In The State picture. If you'd like to take a quess what and where this picture was taken - post your answer. There's a $20 prize for the first correct answer.