Thursday, August 23, 2007

More State Fair

State Fair Pix

Tell us your favorites..or send us yours. We'll add them to our site.

Foreclosure wave hits Iowa hard

This was a headline in Thur.'s Des Moines Register. Iowa has the NINTH highest rate of home foreclosures in the nation! The top 3 reasons for the high foreclosure rate given in the article are: Poor credit. Many people who could least afford it were given mortgages at higher than normal interest rates. ARM's Adjustible Rate Mortgages. The low entry interest rates were very enticing...but as the interest rates were raised; they were not affordable. Bad Appraisals- many questionable loans were based on inflated appraisals. So- as the saying goes..if it seems to good to be true- it probably is. That is what many of those people are realizing now. The last line in the Register article is a classic. "These are bad loans that went looking for customers."
The good news could be- one of those foreclosures could be your next home! Let us know if you see one you'd like more information on. Bill 770-2455 and Bob 979-2883

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


At the bottom of the corndog posting there is a comment link. Click on comments - and there is a form to leave your answer ( or comment). If you don't identify yourself, we'll have no way to get your prize to you!

Monday, August 6, 2007

First Corn Dogs at the Iowa State Fair-When??

Here is you question of the month...worth a major prize if you get the correct answer. The Iowa State Fair is famous for food on a stick. Probably the first was the CORN DOG. What year did Campbell's Concession first sell Corn Dogs at the Iowa State Fair? Keep the replies coming, because we have multiple prizes! If you want more information about the fair; times, tickets, schedules etc. go to